Relationship Between Kindle Books Sales Rank and Daily Sales

Almost every Kindle e-book has an Amazon Best Sellers Rank. This ranking is mainly based on number of copies sold. The exact formula that generates this best sellers rank is not known. By looking at the book ranking we can guess how well one book is selling. This is a very helpful indicator for proper selection of topic for your next kindle e-book.

Kindle ebook ranking and number of copies sold relation image

The Amazon Best Sellers Rank is updated after every 1 hour. Many people say that there is no direct relationship between this rank and number of copies sold. But according to my observation, one can easily guess the number of copies sold by looking at their best sellers rank.

Currently, there are about 2.7 million e-books on Amazon kindle store and every book has a Amazon Best Sellers Rank even if one copy is sold. Some books that are just published may not have any ranking. Take a look at following data showing relationship between Amazon Best Sellers Rank (for paid e-books and NOT for free e-books). Please note that is data is based on my experience and observation only:

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 200,000+ ==> No Daily Sale or 1-5 sales in a month

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 100,000 – 200,000 ==> 0 – 1 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 75,000 – 100,000 ==> 1 – 2 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 50,000 – 75,000 ==> 2 – 3 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 30,000 – 50,000 ==> 3 – 5 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 20,000 – 30,000 ==> 5 – 7 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 15,000 – 20,000 ==> 7 – 10 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 10,000 – 15,000 ==> 10 – 15 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 7500 – 10,000 ==> 15 – 20 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 5000 – 7500 ==> 20 – 50 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 1000 – 5000 ==> 50 – 150 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 500 – 1000 ==> 150 – 250 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 100 – 500 ==> 250 – 500 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 10 – 100 ==> 500 – 1000 Sales/day

If Amazon Best Sellers Rank of Paid Kindle e-book is 1 – 10 ==> 1000 – 5000 Sales/day

If you look at top 100 paid e-books you will notice that most of the books here are fiction-based,  written by professional & well known writers and published by big publishing companies. It is usually very difficult to compete with first 100 books, for self-publishers. But it is not impossible for a perfect writer especially for a great fiction writer.

Need More Information and Step By Step Guide to Make Money By Publishing Kindle E-Books?

My book about making money by writing kindle booksThis is my e-book about kindle publishing business. This book covers all steps and information that you need to publish your kindle books and earn most from them. By reading this small guide, you will be able to select right topic for your kindle e-books, write them properly, format them, upload on Amazon store and market them to gain maximum profits. Download this e-book if you need to know how to become successful as Kindle E-Books Publisher.

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